All Natural Hand Care Tips & Recipes

Did you know that your hands can tell as much about you as the way you dress or wear your hair? Your hands are always out there and they say a lot about your lifestyle and your age. You can cover up other parts of your body with clothes, but it’s not very practical to wear gloves to a job interview, or most other places.

The back of our hands have very little fat, collagen or elastin and the skin is much thinner than our facial skin. Combined with the thin skin, the exposure to sun and the beatings our hands often take, it’s no wonder that wrinkles appear faster here than anywhere else on our body.

In order to be able to put your best hand forward, you should follow these must-do daily hand care tips, and once in a while treat yourself to a quick manicure.

  • Always wear gloves to wash dishes, clean or garden.
  • Always use a low ph hand soap and follow up with a hand lotion immediately after.
  • Never forget your hands when putting on sunscreen.
  • Instead of rubbing your hands dry, you should pat them dry. Fungal infections are easier to catch if you have cold wet hands.
  •  Be aware of repetitive tasks that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, things like typing or clicking.
  • Be sure to get enough vitamin B and calcium in your diet which will help eliminate cracking and brittle nails.

One thing to be sure of, whether you get your manicures or pedicures from the salon or you do it yourself, is to make sure all equipment you use is clean and sterile. Here are a few all-natural nail care recipes to make up and use for your next DIY mani-pedi. They’re great because they have no chemicals or additives which make them gentle, but effective on your nails and skin.

Hand Massage of Lemon and Rosewater
All you need is a few drops of lemon juice, 5 drops of rosewater and 1 tsp of glycerin. Mix these ingredients together and massage into your hands and cuticles for 20 to 30 minutes.

Lemon Nail Soak
Add the juice of a lemon, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, to a cup of distilled water. Soak your fingers in this for about 10 minutes on each hand.

Easy Nourishing Hand Moisturizer
You hands will get an extra fresh and healthy look if you mix together some cucumber juice and glycerin and put it on your hands before bed and leave on overnight.

Hand Softener for Dry Hands
A tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar, mixed with a little water, rubbed on your hands and left for 5 minutes, will leave your hands looking and feeling softer. Just rub the mixture off with warm water and dry thoroughly

Hand Mask
You can tighten the skin on the back of your hands, and prevent the formation of wrinkles when you mix up some egg whites, like a merange, and spread it on your hands. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Get Rid of Age Spots
Simply put some globs of Natural Greek Yogurt (no flavors, no additives) on the areas of your skin that have the age spots and leave on for about 15 minutes. Rinse off and repeat every three days. In a few weeks you’ll see them start to disappear.

All of these tips and recipes mentioned above will ensure that your hands remain looking soft, supple and young no matter what your age or lifestyle. If you want to have beautiful hands you must give them dedicated care and maintenance, but it need cost a lot of money or time!

Stay beautiful – Inside and Out!

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